*WARNING: 80% of this bog post is about food, food, food and more food*
Have been wanting to blog about my twenty-first and here's my chance to incorporate with my day 3 mission.
My birthday was about a month back and it was the legendary twenty first birthday.
Like any other birthdays I just want it to be an affair with my closed ones, don't wna make a big hoo-hah out of it. My dad even suggested to hire an event planner for it but I would rather he give me the money as my birthday present instead. Don't want my old man to spend on my birthday like how he used to when I was a kid.
Although I don't have any extravagant celebration nevertheless I had a great birthday.
As usual, my birthday celebration kicked off by having an advanced dinner treat from the family.
Then managed to meet the busy army bff for a scrumptious buffet. And being very secretive, he loves bringing me to walk in circles before going to the actual venue (this happens every year without fail).
This year, we walked from MBS to Marina Mandarin and had our dinner at AquaMarine.
So here's the spread we had. My favorite was the snow crab legs, think I had like a dozen? Being a true seafood lover, I love how fresh the seafood was.
The he got me my first ever Pandora bracelet and charm which I wanted for the longest time and I was so guilty about it. He is always spending a bomb for my birthday.
On the actual day, I had 2 angels came knocking on my door and giving me a surprise at the most unexpected moment.

Went to Au Chocolat for the birthday lunch with the rest.
Really need a cardholder cause my wallet felt like it's gna explode. Thank you angels xx

Lastly met up with Sabrina and Sam and we went to this really cool place where I have to drive into a remote corner of Singapore. It's like a cowboy bar/restaurant kind of setting that always appear in movies where the riders will just ride their harley and parked outside the bar and ask for a beer. Didn't know such place exist in Singapore. Really an eye-opener.
Probably one of the best steak I ever had. But was quite disappointed that we couldn't get to try their signature wings and onion rings cause something was wrong with their deep fryer.
And this is what my dear baby sis got for me. My second Pandora charm and a bottle of VS perfume cause she thought I ran out of perfume but actually I've like a few new bottles. Don't really like the idea of my sis spending money on me.
Another gift from a friend.
Really grateful for everyone who had played a part for my twenty-first birthday. Couldn't be thankful enough to have you guys.
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