I seriously couldn't think of anything that I'm good at.
I think I'm good at like nonsensical stuffs such as eating, sleeping, watching tv, wasting my time and procrastinating.
How about changing the title to 'Things You Are Bad At' and I reckoned I can think of 101 things that I'm bad at.
I suck at cooking, baking, drawing, sports, driving, singing, dancing, drinking and the list goes on.
Since the day I was born I don't have any skills that is commendable.
My parents used to tell me that when I was a baby, I was incredibly good at crying.
Other than sleeping, 90% of my time was spent crying, such a crybaby I know.
I don't cry as much as I used to but now I guess I'm kinda good at whining. I can whine about anything and everything.
From primary school onwards there isn't any subject that I'm particularly good at, all my results were average.
As for CCA, I was in the computer club during primary school and I can't remember why I signed up for Chinese Orchestra when I was primary 5. I learned Gu Zheng for like a year and decided to withdraw partly because I couldn't juggle between 2 CCAs and school. Also, I don't know why the teacher decided to change the chords which really confused everyone and I was angry at that time cause I felt like whatever I've learnt went down the drain. Maybe that's one of the skill I acquire and during that period I participated in SYF and achieved bronze. Then I joined librarian club during secondary school days. And the skills that I've learnt? How to scan the book, use the system and arranging books?
I wanted to learn piano at a point of time when I was young, my dad bought me the electronic keyboard and I really did sign up at Yamaha but the classes were all full and the in-charge did not get back to me after and eventually I just forget about it.
I admit I amlazy, I may be interested in learning some new stuffs but my enthusiasm only last for awhile, that is why I don't really like to pick up new skills. But currently I'm really interested in picking up cooking and baking. And I'll do so one day... Maybe 5 years later? ......
You will only get to know a part of me through these posts.
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